10 Best Tips for Farmer’s Market Season
Of course, we love everything local, and you can’t get more local than shopping at the farmer’s market. What better way to connect with your food than to purchase it from the source? We believe weekly trips to the farmer’s market are not to be squandered.

Here are ten suggestions for making the most of your next local farmer’s market visit.
1. Know Your Seasons
Farmer’s markets are all about finding what’s fresh and in season. Unlike grocery stores, your local farmer’s market will only carry what can be produced on the land now. Take some time to get familiar with seasonal produce to know what kind of fruits and vegetables might be available when you get to the farmer’s market.
In Virginia, our climate allows farmers to extend growing seasons with hoop houses and covered crops, so you’d be surprised at the variety of foods you’ll find.
2. Make a Plan
Once you get a sense of the seasonal availability, you can do some generalized meal planning before heading out. Eggs, onions, and potatoes are staples in most kitchens, so make a list and note the amounts you’ll need to replenish your stock.
Be flexible with your expectations. Eating fresh and local means vendors may run out of certain items or not have them ready this week. You can get creative with substitutions when you do a little planning ahead.
3. Think of the Whole Food
In most cases, produce from the farmers is sold whole, with little processing. Unlike the trend in grocery store produce, you can expect potatoes and anything pulled from the ground to have dirt on them. Carrots, beets, and turnips aren’t peeled and come with their greens attached.
Here’s the bonus: most parts that grocery stores remove are edible! You can make pesto from carrot tops, and just about any greens can be sauteed with quality olive oil and a little seasoning. Toss in some fresh garlic or red pepper flake; you’ve got a quick, spicy side dish.
4. Bring Folding Money and Small Change
Technology has made significant advances, and using a swipe card at a fruit stand is standard. But you’ll be buying in the open air, and sometimes, all that modern connectivity can fail. The farmer’s market often has clubs or charity groups with a stand, and those organizations won’t always have card processing.
So remember to stick some good old-fashioned cash in your pocket before heading out. You’re there in part to make sure your money stays local. Small bills and coins on hand mean the farm or business won’t suffer if the internet gremlins raise their heads.
5. Bring Your Own Bags
Some markets offer bags, but one way to help the farmers — and the planet!– is to bring your reusable shopping bags. Produce can be heavy, so sturdy canvas bags are your best choice.
If you are a frequent shopper and regularly buy a lot, consider getting a cart or wagon to give your back a break. We’ve even seen parents get creative with their strollers!
6. Buy in Bulk
The best deals at the farmer’s market come when you buy produce in bulk. With some planning and proper storage, you can make a large purchase and feed yourself and a group many meals from just one trip to the market. Check out our handy guide for storing your farm purchases to keep them fresh for as long as possible.
Or, if you feel adventurous, block out a day and try your hand at canning. You’ll be able to extend the bounty of each season by enjoying your farm market purchases all year long.
7. Shop Early in the Day
Most markets’ opening and closing hours are less crowded, but you should test this theory in your region. The earlier you arrive, though, the better selection you will have. Popular small crops may sell out quickly.
Become a regular, learn all the ins and outs of your region’s farms, and stay informed about where to find your favorite products. The early bird catches more than worms; they also get the picking peak!
8. Shop Late in the Day
You may not get the prime picks by coming later, but sometimes farmers and other vendors will cut you a deal in the last hour to save them from picking up their goods and carrying them back.
Check your market guidelines, though, because some may have rules against discounts at the end of the day. You’re shopping locally to help the local economy, after all!
9. Try New Things
Planning first is always a good approach, but give yourself room to be adventurous. You may show up looking for pea pods, but if those luscious strawberries are calling your name, grab them!
Peak freshness is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t let opportunities pass by. Try new things, too. Ask the vendor if you aren’t sure what something is or how to prepare it. They are a great source of inspiration.
10. Get to Know Your Farmers
Farm markets are a great place to learn more about your community. Having the producer at the table is a perfect opportunity to learn about your food, how it is grown, and what’s coming up next as the season progresses.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. In our experience, farmers are happy to share tips and recipes, and other shoppers often chime in with their best recipes.
Farm Markets are a wonderful place to establish a sense of community. Don’t miss your chance to connect more with your food supply and neighbors! Check out our GROW list to find one near you.