Berry Good Bloody Mary
Maker: Will Gray of Back Pocket Provisions
Back Pocket Provisions is a bloody mary mix company out of Richmond with an important mission: to make life more delicious, healthy, honest, and fun by helping small farms succeed. They use delicious-but-aesthetically-imperfect ingredients from local farmers, which helps farmers increase their profitability while reducing waste. Plus their line of bloody mary mixes is the BOMB, y’all.
If you’re looking for a bloody mary recipe that’s a little different from the garden variety, look no further!
Instagram: @backpocketprovisions
Facebook: @backpocketprovisions
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Crushed ice
3 stems fresh mint, leaves removed, plus 1 or 2 intact stems for garnish
2 strawberries, sliced, plus 1 berry for garnish
0.5 oz orange liqueur (we’re pouring Vitae Spirits)
1.5 oz dark rum (Virago Four-Port Rum is perfect)
4oz Back Pocket Provisions’ Bloody Blue Ridge Bloody Mary Mix
Pack your glass three-quarters full of crushed ice and set it in the freezer. If this is too triggering, you can use regular ice instead, but the whole Bloody Mary slushy vibe is going to make you feel better, promise.
Put two good scoops of crushed ice into a cocktail shaker. Add the two sliced strawberries, the mint leaves, and the orange liqueur. Muddle the mixture against the side of the shaker until all of the ice is melted and the strawberries are good ‘n’ smashed.
Into the same shaker, add the dark rum and the Blue Ridge. Stir well to combine, then strain into your chilled glass.
To garnish, place your mint stems in the palm of your hand and give ’em a gentle smack, as though punishing them for their role in the stupid decisions you made last night. This’ll get those minty aromatics flowing. Tuck the mint stem-side down into the crushed ice like a flag, and either skewer the strawberry on a cocktail pick or just nest it on top.